How an Online Ordering System Can Elevate Your Distributor Relationships

In the beverage industry, finding any and every way possible to stand out with your distribution partners is crucial. Small, strategic moves—like streamlining the ordering process—can set your brand apart in meaningful ways. One often-overlooked tool that can significantly enhance this process is an online ordering system for your distributors.

An online ordering system, even one as simple as a well-structured Google Form, can be a game-changer for your partners. Why? Because anything that simplifies their ordering process, aids in inventory management, and ultimately supports your brand's performance is worth the investment. In an industry where distributor brand portfolios are overflowing with suppliers fighting for mind share and engagement, you need every advantage, no matter how small.

Here are the essential attributes your online ordering platform should include:

- Product Name: Clear identification of each product.
- Available Package Sizes: Options for every product.
- Pricing and UPC Info: Detailed pricing for each package size.
- Quantity Discounts: Information on discounts available for bulk orders.
- Order Lead Time: Expected time from order to delivery.
- Units Per Pallet: For accurate freight pricing and setup.
- Weight Per Unit: Another critical detail for freight considerations.
- Availability Windows: Release dates or pre-order deadlines to ensure smooth planning.

Many brands unintentionally burden their distributors with constant emails—asking for orders or checking on product needs. While these emails are usually well-intentioned, distributors often find them unproductive, ineffective in providing tangible support, and, frankly, an irritation that can turn them off to your brand. Implementing an online ordering system shifts this dynamic entirely. It becomes a tool that not only streamlines the process but also frees you from the cycle of repetitive, time-consuming emails. This opens the door to more meaningful, strategic conversations that drive growth and strengthen your partnership.

Implementing these features is not just about making life easier for your distributors—though it certainly does that. It’s about positioning your brand as a preferred partner in their portfolio. When you make ordering and inventory management as effortless as possible, you become a go-to brand, one they want to push forward.

Creating and maintaining an online ordering system doesn’t require a large commitment. In fact, it’s a small investment of time, money, and effort that can yield significant returns. Even something as simple as a Google Form can deliver tangible benefits. If you want to get really fancy without investing much, consider creating a custom Google Site to host your ordering forms in one convenient place.

Want help creating and implementing an ordering system? Click the link below and let's set up a Free 1-Hour Strategy Call and start creating results.


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