Mastering Distributor Partnerships for Growth: Part 2 - Communication, Collaboration, and Support

Are you struggling to maintain healthy and productive relationships with your distributors? You're not alone. One of the most common reasons these relationships break down is the tendency to blame others. Blaming can lead to feelings of being judged, devalued, and a lack of trust. According to researcher Dr. John Gottman, blaming is one of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" that predict relationship failure. Reflecting on your commitment to making these relationships work is crucial for your brand’s success.

Distributors may have their shortcomings. As someone who has run a distributor, I can honestly attest that no distributor is perfect. But here’s the reality: Your distributor is like a good-looking girl on a dating app these days—if they aren't happy with the effort you're putting in and what you bring to the table, they have dozens of other options ready and waiting. Distributors can and often will stop giving you their time, effort, and attention until you start doing what they need you to do. It’s not always fair, but it’s the nature of the business. Accepting this dynamic is the first step toward building stronger relationships.

Maintaining healthy and productive relationships with your distributors is crucial for long-term success. Unfortunately, many brands struggle with this, often leading to breakdowns in communication and collaboration. Blaming others for these issues can exacerbate the problem, leading to feelings of judgment and devaluation, ultimately eroding trust.


Effective communication is the foundation of any strong relationship. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your distributors more frequently. Start by asking:

  • What could we be doing better?

  • What can we do to differentiate our brand?

  • What do you need from us to make our brand easier to operate?

These questions show that you’re invested in their success and open to feedback, fostering a positive and collaborative atmosphere. Remember, clear and consistent communication helps in identifying potential issues before they become major problems.


Make your distribution partners feel like you’re on the same team. Show a willingness to work together to achieve mutual success. From my experience, expressing a genuine desire to drive success for your distribution partners creates investment and enthusiasm from their side.

Brand managers face constant pressure from both their bosses and the brands they manage. They need to see that you’re there to help them grow their business, not just your own. This collaborative approach can do wonders for your brand’s performance. Engaging in joint planning sessions and shared objectives can reinforce the sense of partnership.


Support is about showing that you care about your partner’s success. Ask yourself, “How can I better support my distributor to help them achieve their goals?”

  • Is rate of sale a problem? Offer to support a sampling drive.

  • Do salespeople struggle to engage with the brand? Offer a market visit and crew drive.

  • Are you not getting the chain placements you think you deserve? Offer to set up meetings with chain buyers.

By providing tangible support, you help your distributors feel heard and valued, which strengthens the relationship and drives brand growth. Consider providing additional training or marketing materials that can aid in their sales efforts.

Communication, collaboration, and support are the building blocks of healthy distribution relationships. It might sound simple, but these principles always work. When you approach your distributor relationships with a positive perspective and a willingness to help, you create a foundation for sustainable growth and success.

Are you ready to build stronger distributor relationships and drive brand growth? Let’s discuss how our services can help you achieve these goals. Schedule your FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL by clicking the link below today and start seeing results.


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Mastering Distributor Partnerships for Growth: Part 1 - Planning and Plan Management