The Keys to Craft Beer Success: Lessons from New Trail Brewing

As the craft beer industry continues to present challenges, it’s important to look to brands like New Trail Brewing for proof that high-level success is still plenty possible. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at New Trail’s impressive growth, the strategies behind their success, and how these same approaches can be applied to elevate your brand.

The New Trail Success Story

New Trail Brewing, based in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, has defied the odds in an increasingly competitive craft beer market. Since its founding in 2018, New Trail has never had a down month—a remarkable feat in today’s volatile industry. Their output increased by an impressive 33% in 2023, making them one of the fastest-growing breweries in the country. So, what’s driving this growth?

Key Strategies Driving Growth

  1. Commitment to Quality and Consistency: New Trail has consistently delivered high-quality products that resonate with consumers. Their focus on brewing excellence, particularly in popular styles like hazy IPAs and imperial IPAs, has established them as a go-to brand in Pennsylvania and beyond.

  2. Strategic Market Expansion: While Pennsylvania accounts for the majority of their volume, New Trail has successfully expanded into neighboring states like Maryland and New Jersey. This calculated growth, supported by strong distribution partnerships, has allowed them to tap into new markets without overextending.

  3. Effective Distribution Partnerships: Distribution is crucial to any craft brewery’s success, and New Trail has excelled in building strong relationships with their distributors. By understanding the needs of their partners and providing consistent support, New Trail ensures their products are always well-represented on shelves.

Applying These Lessons to Your Brand

At Five Star Beverage, we understand that building a successful brand in the craft beer industry requires more than just a great product. It takes strategic planning, strong partnerships, and a deep understanding of the market. Our founder played a key role in establishing New Trail’s success in Western Pennsylvania, and we continue to use those proven strategies to help our clients achieve similar results.

What Can You Learn from New Trail’s Journey?

  • Effective Use of Packaging Formats: New Trail’s intentional use of popular beer packaging formats, like 19.2 oz. cans and 12-packs, has contributed significantly to their growth. By offering products in formats that appeal to consumers, they’ve been able to capture more market share and increase sales.

  • Expand Strategically: Expanding into new markets isn’t just about distribution—it’s about creating resonance with consumers in those markets. New Trail’s strategic approach to entering neighboring states like Maryland and New Jersey, and its meticulous planning in new markets like West Virginia, have allowed the brand to establish a strong foothold in each area.

  • Build Strong Partnerships: Having played a role in establishing New Trail’s success in Western Pennsylvania, our founder knows firsthand the importance of building strong relationships with distributors. New Trail’s success is a testament to the power of collaboration and alignment between brand and distributor.

Ready to Create Similar Success for Your Brand?
New Trail Brewing’s journey is a powerful example of what’s possible with the right brand strategies and a commitment to excellence.

If you’re looking to replicate this kind of growth and success for your brand, now is the time to act. Click the link below to schedule your FREE 1-HOUR STRATEGY CALL, and let’s work together to craft a winning strategy tailored to your brand’s unique needs.


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